Thursday, July 17, 2014

Trash Day!

I love to watch the trash truck!! It is my favorite day of the week.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Carter's Chronicles

"Carter drive tow truck home, 5." 

Leah gets to do a lot things that I can't do, like swish mouthwash, chew gum and sit on the dinner table bench...all because she is five.  One night while reading books, I said this sentence when I was reading about a tow truck - this is what I want to do when I am five years old!"


We were having dessert and Mom was scooping out the ice cream.  I said "HUGE scoop." Mommy said I would get a little bit.  I said "A lot little bits."

My favorite number used to be two, now it is a lot.


My Two Favorite Things!!! (July 11)

...Fire Trucks and Ice Cream!

"Hello, What Name?" (July 11)

I like to get all of your information for my computer, especially your name and age.

Shower Time (July 11)

Morning Smiles (July 10)

After my morning milk and a snuggle, I am all smiles!

Tired Boy (July 9)

My First Haircut (July 9)

Surf Lessons (July 6)

U.S.A.!! (July 4)

With all of the World Cup excitement, I have had a lot of practice chanting "U.S.A, U.S.A, U.S.A" so it came in handy for the 4th of July! 

A Boy and His Hat (June 28)

Pablo Carter (June 28)

Swing!!! (June 23)

Waiting Patiently for My Turn (June 23)