Sunday, April 21, 2013

11 Months Old - Carter's Chronicles

I can't believe I only have one more month until the Big 0-1!

My favorite toy is a ball.  I can throw one (sometimes with a cool wind up arm throw), I can pass one to you and I can roll one along the floor following it all over the house.  Small, medium, big, bouncy or not - I like them all!

All other toys are telephones in disguise.  I always put a toy up to my ear to see if it is really a phone.  If I happen to put something against your ear (or near the vicinity of your head) and I say "Hi" really loudly, it means you are talking on a cell phone...mine, that is.

I am trying new foods every day, I never know what I am going to get when I sit down for a meal.  My favorite is anything that tastes really good, resembles a snack or is derived from bread.  Magically, I am really hungry for those items and pretty full when confronted with anything super healthy. 

More Smiles!

Backyard Sand Table

I Love My Lolly

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Brushing My Teeth

I've gotta keep these teeth pearly white! 

I have two teeth with another two on their way.