Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Things I Like to Say





Carter's Chronicles - 14 Months!

One of my favorite things to do is get comfortable in bed and play with remotes.  It is so satisfying when I find a button that actually does something!

And, boy, is my smile HUGE when I can get my hands on an iPad!

Lately, we have been spending more and more time in my reading corner in preparation for naps and bedtime.  My favorite books are those with large pictures of trucks or animals or the touch and feel books.

I can point to my head (see here!) and my belly!  

When I play with blocks now, I am focused on stacking them, rather than knocking them down.  And, when I want to play with trucks, I like to move to the tile floor rather than the carpet - they vroom so much better on the tile!

Special Visitor!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Things I Like to Say


Watermelon and Smiles

Happy 4th of July!

I loved the parade.  Anywhere where I can see fire engines and dogs you can count me in.